So many fun and exciting things have already taken place in the 13 weeks since we found out about this incredible blessing! I will do my best to bring you up to speed!
I had to wake up really early that Saturday morning to go learn how to time a 5k in Amarillo. The last few weeks had been frustrating because it had been a LONG time since "that time of the month" with SEVERAL negative pregnancy tests. I'm not sure why but I had a feeling that maybe I should take another test that morning. I hadn't taken one in over a week, luckily I had one left in my bathroom. So, I nonchalantly took the test not thinking much of it...expecting ANOTHER negative test. And, there it was...a positive right away!! My heart was pounding out of my chest and my hands were shaking!! Now, I had always planned on telling Brock in some special, memorable way...well, that all went out the window!! I ran into our room where he was still sound asleep and told him the great news! He was still half asleep, so I'm not sure it really all sank in right away. He said "no way, that's awesome!" We cried and hugged later before I left.

Needless to say I bought a few more tests!! I just wanted to be sure and it was so fun to see that these tests actually work!
We knew that we wanted to keep the news to ourselves for a while but we couldn't wait to let our parents know. We decided to have both sets of parents come over for dinner and football. I cleared out one of upstairs bedrooms, probably the future nursery, and filled it with pink and blue balloons. I made a pennant banner and hung it across the window. Here's a peek of what it looked like:
Ignore the awful wall color...Brock's we've got a lot of work to do in the next 6 months!
Once everyone got there I told my mom and Brock's mom that I had finally done some work in one of the upstairs bedrooms and that they should come check it out. Before this Brock snuck upstairs so he could be in there to record the reactions (little did we know his speaker didn't work, so all we got was a silent movie...but it was still priceless!). So mom and Brenda followed me upstairs. I guess our dads thought they were too cool to come look because they stayed downstairs, but they came up quickly once they heard the screaming and crying!! It was such a fun evening! We talked about the "little one" and possible grandparent names and spent the whole evening day dreaming about our new addition. Before everyone left Scott, Brock's dad, said the sweetest prayer for our whole family...what a special night!
This baby is truly blessed with such amazing grandparents!!
Since I had no idea how far along I was the dr's office scheduled a dating sonogram at 8:00 that Friday morning. We went in so nervous and excited, we had no idea what to expect. The sonographer showed us the gestational sac, it was way to early to see anything else. She told us that we were 4.5 to 5 weeks along. So, not a very exciting appointment except we were reassured that we were in fact pregnant and everything seemed to be in the right place. We were scheduled to come back in 3 weeks for a second dating sono.
Telling the siblings!!
We decided we couldn't leave our siblings out of the loop for very long. We bought each of them a onesie or bib with aunt/uncle on it!
We went to Lubbock that weekend to visit Kristen and go to the Tech football game. Sunday morning we met my parents and sister for brunch. I handed her a card first, at the end of the note I wrote it said, "get excited to be an aunt in May!" She looked at us and said "shut up!" and then started bawling!! I then handed her the sack with the bib in it. I loved seeing how excited and happy she was for us, it was such a fun brunch!
Thanks mom for capturing such a special moment!
Since we weren't sure when we would see Austin or Cho next we decided to put theirs in the mail. We anxiously waited to hear from them. Cho called us first on Monday at lunch and then we heard from Austin and Kellie Tuesday evening. Although I wish we could have told them all in person, it was so fun to hear the responses and for them to share in the excitement with us!
I have no doubt that this baby will have the best aunts and uncles EVER!!
We got up bright and early again to head to the Dr. to get our second dating sonogram. We were so excited and scared, what if something has gone wrong?! (I think this is how I will feel on my way to every appointment!) We went in and WOW...that little black circle we saw 3 weeks ago, well now there was a bean in there! She immediately found the heartbeat, it was 165bpm...what an amazing sight, to see that little flicker,...let the waterworks begin. I was overcome with emotion and just so grateful for what we were seeing! The baby measured at 7wks6days and she told us our due date would be May 18, 2013. She told us that the measurements were right on track with what she measured at the last visit. After our appointment Brock and I went to Starbucks and just stared at our ultrasound pictures of our baby...OUR BABY...I still don't think it's sunk in!
So, tiny!! I can't imagine how much this little bean has grown since then!!
This is when we had our first appointment with the Dr. The nurse came in and told me she wanted to use the doppler to try to hear the HB, she warned me it was still a bit on the early side (10wks6d) so if she couldn't find it she would take us over to get another ultrasound to check everything. I was so nervous! She put the probe on by abdomen and found it to our ears!!! Now, looking back I wish I would've whipped out my phone so I could've recorded it! It was the most wonderful swishing sound I had ever heard! She said it was a strong heartbeat, 169bpm. She told us the Dr. would be in soon and walked out. Brock and I couldn't stop smiling...we heard the heartbeat...WOW! After a few minutes of waiting and updating our parents on hearing the heartbeat, Dr. Freeman came in. He has been my Dr. for almost a year, ever since I moved back to Borger, and he has been wonderful. I was ready for Brock to finally meet him. He told us congratulations and asked how I was feeling (which by the way I haven't had to deal with any sickness so far...just exhausted!) The appointment with the Dr. was rather uneventful, he told us now that we've heard the heartbeat the risk of miscarriage was <1%, that was wonderful new for us since we actually went through a very early miscarriage back in June. We feel so blessed to be experiencing all of this! It was such a wonderful morning and I'm looking forward to our next appointment!!