We had such a fun time at our gender reveal party for baby #2 this past Monday! Brock and I had our ultrasound at 5 and then we had our party at 7, we couldn't wait!!
I had a feeling ever since we found out we were pregnant that this little surprise blessing was a little girl! Brock was a little more on the fence with what he thought the baby was than he was when we were pregnant with Blakelee, ultimately he had a feeling it was a girl too!
When we got to the ultrasound the tech said she would determine the gender first and then try to get some good face pics. So we closed our eyes and she took her sweet time, it felt like forever! Finally she printed off pics and sealed them in my envelope. Then we spent a good 10 minutes admiring our sweet baby! My how much change had occurred since 8 weeks when we had our last ultrasound! I just love having ultrasounds and seeing the baby! One time during the sono the tech said something about "his" hand, and I thought "hmmm, did she mean to say his or does she call every baby a he?!" I also asked her if she was confident about the gender and she said "oh yes!". So, Brock and I left the dr thinking maybe it was a boy! The tech called the party store so they could fill our balloon with the appropriate confetti. We went and picked it up and headed home, SO ready to know!
Haha, this picture cracked me up...oh technology!! All the parents face-timing with our siblings so they wouldn't miss out on the fun!
We got to our house and it was filled with family and friends! We didn't waste any time, as soon as everyone was here we were ready to pop the balloon! Now, unfortunately the party store didn't tell me they didn't have very good confetti for balloons. I had seen all these huge black balloons with lots of big colorful confetti when it was popped. Well, they were out of black balloons, so we had to go with purple; and the confetti was a really light pink or blue silvery color...I knew I should've cut up my tissue paper and had them use that! So...for those of you wanting to do a confetti balloon be sure to bring your own confetti and maybe even balloon!! haha! Anyway, we popped the balloon and it was so hard to tell what color fell out, I honestly thought it looked kind of blue and even said "I think it's a boy!"

We had to dig through the grass to find the confetti that said "It's A Girl" for me to believe it!! Luckily I thought ahead (well, kind of....if I would've really thought ahead I would've had better confetti!) and bought a bouquet of blue balloons and a bouquet of pink balloons so we could take pictures with the appropriate color!
Unfortunately Miss B was not in the mood for pictures!!
The balloons were a hit with these 3...likely the reason there was only 1 that survived the evening!
After pictures and celebrating we headed inside to reveal her name! We had our parents unscramble the letters for her first and middle name!
We were so excited when we decided on her name a couple weeks ago! Weston is Brock's middle name and I believe has been used for 4 generations in the Sherwood family, however this will be the first female to carry the name! We had it saved for a middle name for a boy but decided we had better use it in case we decide (or He decides) were done after 2! I love "boy" names for girls so I was all for using Weston for a girl but I wanted to make it a little more feminine, so we went with the "tyn" ending. Reese is purely just a name we both liked and thought flowed well! I love being able to call her by name!!
We were so blessed to share this night with sweet family and friends!
Grandparents (Sid, Bebe, Mimi, and Pops)
Some of the great grandmothers were able to make the drive! (Dee and Mimi Sherwood)
Some of our wonderful friends that were able to come celebrate with us!
(Jackson, Tyler & Alicia Tucker; Brooks & Lindsey Perry; Blair, Keegan & Bennett Neill;
Kara Thompson had to leave before we took the picture!)
We are SO excited to be adding more pink to this house! We feel so blessed that God has not only entrusted us with one of his beautiful daughters but TWO!! We feel so privileged to have the title of "Mommy and Daddy" to two sweet girls! What a special heart it takes to be the Daddy of girls, I know God has been preparing Brock's heart for this job and couldn't be more excited to see another little girl wrap him around her finger! We can't wait to welcome Miss Westyn Reese to our family but we are definitely soaking in these last months as a family of 3!