How far along: 31 weeks 1 day (picture taken at 31 weeks)
Size of baby: coconut - 16in, 3.3lbs
Gender: GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: Yep, or workout clothes!
Started showing: For sure!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: super out this week!
Sleep: Not too bad lately!
Best moment this week: I know I'm like 4 weeks behind but I'll just focus on this last week! Blakelee felt Westyn move for the first time this week, it was hilarious! I was rocking her before her nap and she was lying across my belly. Westyn was moving like crazy but I didn't say anything to B. She started giggling and I asked her what was so funny and she said "Wetyn siddy!" I asked her why she was silly and she started poking her belly, it was so cute!! We also just celebrated Blakelee's 2nd Christmas! It was so fun to watch her open her gifts and love on her new toys! Such joy! Next year will be even more exciting!
We also had a baby check up and everything looks great! I also passed my 1hour glucose test so that's nice!
Movement: Yes, all the time!! Still feel most movements low unless I'm laying down!
Cravings: food in general!
Symptoms: Heartburn here and there, braxton hicks throughout the day, occasional tailbone/PSIS pain.
Looking forward to: Chilling with family the rest of the week and weekend and watching B play with all her new toys!