Wednesday, March 6, 2013

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Yes! But, I did wear a pair of pre-pregnancy pants Sunday AND they zipped and buttoned still...crazy!
Best moment this week: Brock and I went to dinner with one of our good couple friends Friday night and then we went to a late movie! We loved our time spent with our friends! We're trying to get in as many late movies as possible right now (assuming I can stay awake!) since we know we won't be able to drop everything and go see a movie once this little girl is here! We also found out at our Dr. appointment that I passed the 1 hour glucose test (thank gosh, don't think I could've handled the 3 hour test) and my iron looked good!
Movement: YES!! I'm loving it!
Food cravings: I've been loving my Oreos this week :)
Gender: Girl
Rings on or off: On!
Looking forward to: Working on the nursery...still!! (It's a long process for a procrastinator like me ;) )