Wednesday, September 10, 2014

16 Week Baby Bump

16 Week Baby Bump

How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: avocado - 4.6in, 3.5oz
Gender: ??? SO ready to know!
Weight gain: 10-11 pounds....yikes :/
Maternity clothes: A few workout shirts and wore my jeans for the first time!
Started showing: For sure! You know, every pregnant woman has the time where they feel like they "popped"...well I haven't had that moment with my belly yet, but butt is another story!! I'm pretty sure all 10ish pounds I've gained went straight to my hiney...haha!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Out..always
Sleep: Not bad, gradually getting better, still have my occasional night that I can't go to sleep
Best moment this week: We had a pretty great day Saturday - I got up early and went on my long run with a friend, running together made it so much better! When I got home Brock had made a yummy breakfast, so I got to sit down and enjoy with my family! Then I had to go into work..I know, on a Saturday :( BUT since I was there I made a run down to the OB wing and got to hear this little one's sweet heart beat, made it all worth it! We then spent the rest of the afternoon napping and watching football then went and had dinner at our friends' house. It was such a nice, low key, relaxing day!
Movement: Yes, still just some flutters here and there very ready for it to become stronger and more consistent!
Cravings: sweets, carbs...still!
Symptoms: Still feeling good! Napping when I can, still trying to tackle this crazy acne, having to clean out the shower drain daily from all the hair I'm losing, and occasional heartburn.
Looking forward to: We have an OB appointment Friday morning, even though there's nothing of significance taking place at this one they're still exciting to me, one step closer to the next one....our gender ultrasound!!

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